Be on time, all the time. (Time is Treasure)
Discipline says of who you are. Be concern to others, of your surroundings.
Treat everyone with respect, respect your leaders, your company, the elders, the women and yourself. Respect the opinion of others even if you do not agree, do not argue.
Are the most valuable wealth, always believe that no matter what you do good or bad – There is always someone watching, either with rewards or punishment.
Make your quality as a person. Keep your responsibility in all the things that you SAY and DO. Keeping your words says a lot about a person. Any thing that you do – never wast time and effort – take responsibility by giving your 100%. Whatever you do, whether you are a garbage man, construction man or businessman – BE THE BEST in the world.
It does not mean to be contented. But learn to admire and use the edge of others as inspiration of goodness, but never find mistakes on others, never think ill, speak ill, of anyone because of envy or jealousy towards others possession.
The only way to be happy. Be thankful for the life that you have. There are lots of worse cases out there. Value all the good opportunities that comes your way no matter small.
When in different place accept and respect the culture of the foreign land it is theirs, NOT YOURS and YOU ARE JUST standing in their land.
Nothing could replace hard work for success. Work hard as part of your responsibility . NEVER STOP LEARNING. Developing ourselves our responsibility towards our jobs, our family.
It’s a treasure being safe and healthy and it is a disaster to be sick or meet an accident not only for yourself but for family, company and to all the people you are connected. Keeping safe and healthy is our responsibility to our jobs and our family.